This helpful accessory can target the upper and lower back, hammies, lats, biceps, and shoulders.
Enhance your workout with the versatile Body Iron Multi Grip Attachment, designed for use on both T-Bar rows and cable machines.
Get a better grip with 18 different variations using the 9 adjustable positions spaced 4cm apart.
- T-Bar Row Use -150Kg
- Cable System Use -150kg
Instructions on how to use the T-Bar Row Multi Grip Handle Attachment:
1. If your gym doesn't have a specific piece of equipment called a landmine unit, you can set it up manually using a corner of a room.
2. Place one end of an empty 7ft Olympic barbell into a corner or secure it in a core trainer.
3. Get weight plates and place them on the end of the barbell that's in the corner or core trainer. This will keep the Olympic barbell steady.
4. Load the free end of the barbell with the weight plates you want to lift and then stand over the barbell.
5. Slightly bend your hips until your upper body forms about a 45-degree angle with the floor. Your arms should be fully extended.
6. Attach a T-Bar Row Handle to the loaded end of the barbell and hold it with both hands.
7. Maintain your lower back's natural curvature, bring your shoulder blades together, and then pull the bar upward until the weight plates make contact with your chest.
Instructions on how to use the Cable System Multi Grip Handle Attachment:
1. Connect the cable to the center tab hole and customize the handles as needed.
2. This attachment can be used for both upper and lower pulleys, making it versatile and adaptable for any workout routine.
Lifetime Frame (against manufacturing defects).
2 Year Parts.
Warranty does not cover wrongful installation, normal wear and tear, misuse or modifications of equipment.